You are watching Hajimete no Hitozuma Episode 6 English, you can watch more episodes of this hentai series here Hajimete no Hitozuma
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Hentai: Hajimete no Hitozuma

“A couple in love, thinking about marriage, have a tough decision ahead of them. They might have to move in with Tomoya’s father.

However that isn’t even the start of the problem, upon showing up at his father’s house, Kanako realizes that not only does she know his father… but she has slept with him… multiple times.”

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  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    I have been waiting for the story of this one to get adapted for several years ever since the first two episodes were adapted back in 2020! The tan mother in episode 3 and this one in episode 6 are easily the best two stories. That being said though, I have always wished it was just one of her son’s classmates who was also being bullied and not the bully himself. I like to always just ignore the last part and pretend the bully reveal never happened.

  • Realist 5 months ago

    Do not tell me that the son got bullied by this guy so the guy went after his mom too. It is quite predictable
    . But I can’t stop for some reason.

  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    To the guy above me, yeah the son got bullied and the bully went for the mom. He caught them in the act and the fcking beta didnt even helped his mom. So sad the previous ones are so good then we got this piece of shit

  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    Such good animation but sad story🥲
    Can’t bullies just bully the bully in their house?
    That’s why i hate weak willed person who can’t stand up for themselves even if it meants getting hurt yourself🥲

  • NTRs always have the most hilarious explanations as to why things happen but this ep was the lowest effort yet. The most nonsense explanation I have seen until now. For NTR that should have been a compliment but this was simply low effort instead of actually being depraved since none of why the mom agreed to have sex makes any sense. Sadge

  • garnizon 5 months ago

    I have waited so long for this story to be adapted and in my opinion it is just bad. In the original work it is cheerful and youthful, in the adaptation she is composed and bland.

  • Perrell Brown 5 months ago

    I nutted so hard I fainted.

  • shadow 5 months ago

    when will the english subtitles come out

  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    This is not even like the usual ntr which some will like and some won’t. This is just straight up garbage in every which way. Such a beautiful milf design wasted on this plot

  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    its stuck at loading

  • Glad to see someone else get it. This ep straight up sucks. Women’s expressions could have been better, the plot was just trash, not in a good NTR way. Sucks but hey we NTR fans be feasting as it’s one of the most popular lol. Will just wait for the next one

  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    This made me shoot ropes of sperm from my testicles. I will just pretend that the bully reveal never happened because besides that this is the most amazing hentai animation and design for a milf ever.

  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    This made me shoot ropes of sperm from my testicles. I will just pretend that the bully reveal never happened at the very end because besides that this is the most amazing hentai animation and design for a milf ever.

  • A total fucking scumbag that should be tied to a post in a pig pen and eaten alive feet first by some hungry hogs anything less is going to easy on a piece of shit like this.

  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    Total shit im done with hentai

  • Goroz 5 months ago

    These days NTR hentai gets best animations these days and it sickens me.

  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    The best ntr

  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    hajimete no hitozuma ova 6 why mother have baby

  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    More of this

  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    It was quite good but what’s with that ending🗿I didn’t like it at all

  • Anonymous 4 months ago


  • there was gangbang going on at the end.. i need that part animated too.. like enbo ep2