Kohakuiro no Hunter The Animation
Orphaned at a young age, Erika Amber was taken in by a huntress and raised as her successor. However, she is no ordinary human; her elven lineage has remained a mystery for Erika her entire life. Hoping to discover more about her ancestors, she ventures deep into the unexplored forests, leaving civilization behind. But before departing, she decides to visit Azul—the son of a recently deceased hunter—one last time. In a heart-to-heart talk, the boy reveals he admires the huntress and is deeply in love with her. As luck would have it, the feeling is mutual, and the memory of the passionate lovemaking that follows is likely to keep Erika warm during the long, chilly nights throughout her journey
Episode List:
Kohakuiro no Hunter The Animation Episode 1 English
268.91K Views19 Comments32 Likes
Kohakuiro no Hunter The Animation Episode 2 English
124.17K Views2 Comments0 Likes