You are watching Dearest Blue Episode 1 Preview, you can watch more episodes of this hentai series here Dearest Blue
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Hentai: Dearest Blue

Rio and Mamoru, childhood friends with a complicated relationship and mutual feelings, find themselves in a confusing situation. Rio accidentally becomes an idol after participating in a beauty contest. Mamoru discovers that Rio is the โ€œsacrificeโ€, the prize in a game where influential people participate to obtain her. To protect Rio, Mamoru enters the game as both a participant and an employee but cannot reveal the truth to her. Despite his efforts, reality will soon catch up with him. In a desperate moment, Rio, completely vulnerable and naked, reaches out for help, but Mamoru cannot reach her.

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  • “Dearest Blue” episode 1 unfolds a complex tale of childhood friends Rio and Mamoru, entangled in love and danger. ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒ€ Rio’s unexpected rise as an idol and becoming a ‘sacrifice’ in a high-stakes game puts Mamoru in a protective yet secretive role. ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Their story tests the boundaries of friendship, love, and sacrifice. Can’t wait to see how they navigate these turbulent waters. #DearestBlue #AnimeDrama

  • Anonymous 1 month ago

    what type of ketamine are you on about “tesats the boundaries of friendship,love and sacrifice..” this deluded nigga out here jumping through hoops and shit to fap to ntr

  • Wait is this part of the Blue series? Let’s fucking gooo. Gonna be a good time

  • NTR + poor animation ๐Ÿ’€

  • You are missing your childhood love i.e. Simran a lot. If you are yearning for their love then meet them #childhoodlove