You are watching Lovely x Cation The Animation Episode 2 English, you can watch more episodes of this hentai series here Lovely x Cation The Animation
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Hentai: Lovely x Cation The Animation

The protagonist lives alone in an apartment owned by his uncle and lives a carefree school life. One spring day, his uncle can’t stand seeing him confining himself in his room any more and tells him to go out and find love while he is still young;however, he doesn’t have any experience with girls nor does he have anyone that he’s interested in.

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  • God's Gift 8 years ago

    love it. hope there will be an episode 3.

  • Nope, this covers all the girls already, so there shouldn’t be an episode 3. An orgy wouldn’t make sense either considering there isn’t one in the visual novel/game where this is adapted from, and it would ruin the theme/tone of the franchise. If there is any continuation, it would more likely be “Lovely X Cation 2”, if they ever have the budget to adapt that into video format.