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zero hour gang
Lovely vanilla. Even though I occasionally like darker Hentai as long as it has nice art, Vanilla will always be my favorite.
Only one complaint . Skin is too dark. Really almost no one likes pure black skin. Seriously,Who have ever seen a Japanese with pure black skin.
Unimportant you are a racist piece of crap, the point of this hentai is to appeal to those who like black women. There are some black women in real life with skin even darker than the skin depicted in this hentai. Just say you are racist and shut up with your bigotry and go jerk off to some pale skinned women, no one is stopping you.
No niggers!
I mean even black people don’t like darker skin. all races prefer light tones of skin, regardless of what race they are.
Its not racism is just preferences.
Though episode 1’s skin tone i didn’t like at all, the 2nd episode was much better, and the nips won’t super pink.
I don’t give a crap what most races prefer Anonymous 4, it doesn’t give any person the right to insult women with dark skin, keep that bigotry to yourself Anonymous 4. People like all of you in this comment section is why suicide is so high among young black women. You people make me sick to my stomach and I’m not even black. I sympathize with my black best friend and truly understand how she feels the more I see the filth among humanity especially in comment sections like this.
^@the Anon faggot. You should kill yourself, tell ur nigger friend to do the same. Kill urself, no ones gonna miss u cunt.
No one cares u dumb bitch, welcome to the real world. Get the fuck offline if u canr handle it. Go to downtown Detroit, just walk around, see what happens
Hey hey, chill you two. Don’t tell two people to kill themselves wtf? Moderators need to clean up this toxic racist comment section. I agree that it’s messed up how much people insult and disrespect black women’s skin and also stereotype them. Although it is completely fine to have skin tone preferences, people should keep that to themselves because black people who are minding their own business don’t deserve to be randomly insulted. Not every black person is ghetto or a gangster you racists lol. I’m sorry that they are being toxic to you Anon 5, I hope you and your black friend live happy lives despite the toxic nature of some people.
These racist people only talk tough like this because they are behind their computer screens. If we showed these comments of them saying racial slurs to their employer, they would be apologizing and begging for mercy like the pathetic cowards they are. And sorry about all the racism Anon 5, I swear most of us white guys are not the filth of the earth lol, my current girlfriend ever since university is black West African from Nigeria and she looks exactly like Anette skin tone wise, which is why I love fapping to this hentai.
Kill yourself fags
Imagine being racist? Just beat your meat and go. You’re already a loser, no need to be a racist one at that.
Bigger faggot
No, Nigger faggot.
This comment section is full of little kids, incel fags, , no balls having-tampon wearing-woke retarded-white knights. All yall need to be taken out back, have a bag put over your head, have your balls clapped together with two bricks, then we bring out the niggers to rape you to death. You’re all alone anyways, you might as well all kill yourselves.
Fuck Hamas. Terrorist scum. Kill them all.
Who could beat their meat to this?
I’m calling feminist cum rag Jezebel and reporting this website for racism and hate speech. Best take your server offline before we post about you on Threads and destroy your life.
Also there are other races with dark skin too