You are watching Rune’s Pharmacy: Tiarajima no Okusuriya-san Episode 1 English, you can watch more episodes of this hentai series here Rune’s Pharmacy: Tiarajima no Okusuriya-san
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Hentai: Rune’s Pharmacy: Tiarajima no Okusuriya-san

After the death of her parents, young Erunelle has inherited their debts. While being faced with an orc’s sexual assault, Sharvan saves her. Then, he shows a document of the debt her parents owed to him and presses her for money, encouraging her to sell her body to obtain the one million gold.

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  • Doujinworldz1994 6 years ago

    The animation is a bit on the lower quality side imo but not too bad. If your like me and anything with a giant orc rek girls then this is for you. Nice bj scene and gangbang as well. Can’t wait for the next episode.

  • stven andrei 6 years ago

    ah, I remember playin this game. I still don’t know some last secret.