You are watching Milk Junkies Episode 1 English, you can watch more episodes of this hentai series here Milk Junkies

Hentai: Milk Junkies

Wataru is a young man who moves into an apartment next to Tomoka and Fumie Fusono, two voluptuous sisters who used to know him when he was a shy child. Now Wataru is all grown up, and the Fusono sisters are ready to take full advantage of that fact.

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  • What people do you think you watching this show into English dubbed goes by the name milk junkie pity you want to change this one into English dubbed the entire world might like it I know I would he will send it TV for laptop computer anywhere

  • Milk junkie I think we change all of this episodes into English dubbed people might like this I know I will cuz I think about people cuz we can’t all read this language English subbed it’s some people can’t read this language but it in this language English dubbed people might like it people here with me give me a thumbs up for me on Facebook or maybe Google YouTube please join me you can make a better future