You are watching Kozukuri Bu! Episode 2 Preview, you can watch more episodes of this hentai series here Kozukuri Bu!
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Hentai: Kozukuri Bu!

“Ao Sudo is a self-confessed otaku.
He spends his days talking about otaku with his classmates, and naturally, he has never had a girlfriend.
Perhaps because he is seen in such a state, his classmate Tono Hanei calls him Otaku-kun instead of his name and gives him a cold attitude.
But even he has a dream. He wants to find a good partner and start a family.
The school has a club to make his dream come true: the Fertility Club.
The club encourages students to become pregnant and conduct fertility activities, which are officially recognized by the government.
Aoi was selected for the club and was able to join.
According to the advisor, there was a girl who wanted to be Aoi’s partner.
Aoi could not believe his eyes when he saw that the girl who entered the club room was Tono Hanei, who had a cold attitude toward Aoi.”

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  • NTR GOD 3 days ago


  • Futa lover 3 days ago

    All the slow thrusting is trash these days I wanna see her get rammed hard and fast why are all these hentai dropping the ball these days 🤔 😕 😒 😐 😪

  • NTR GOD 3 days ago

    thats because these so called Vanilla that those vanillafags loved so much doesnt bring anything to the table, absolute garbage, never bring vanilla shit ever again, all of them is shithole boring compare to NTR Tags stuffs. the women is fucking ugly the sex scene is slow af and repeated, the foreplay is straight up dogshit, Ntr stuff in comparison has high qualities.

  • Futa lover 3 days ago

    I hate to break it to you buddy but even the NTR’S are doing this lame shit lately like the last 5 or so NTR’S/(Spicy) hentais have been hot garbage poorly animated with sex scenes so short you’d have to be the weakest quickshot ever to nut to and as a woman I damn sure can’t come to orgasm that quick wtf 😂

  • Anonymous 3 days ago

    N.T.R./Ugly Bastard hentai is hardcore whereas Vanilla Hentai is softcore. That is the main difference.

  • Futa lover 2 days ago

    They stopped animating the actual hardcore NTR/UB years ago let’s be real here buddy if you think the last couple years of NTR/UB hentai released were good your either crazy or delusional I miss the old ones so bad I can’t stomach these ones anymore I have to go for manga only to get my NTR/UB fix now at least I can use my imagination that it’s actually hardcore since it’s just a still image but actually watching it be fucked up in motion hurts man 😅😂

  • Anonymous 1 day ago

    Yo since you’re supposedly a woman, let me teach you something: Masturbating and sex isn’t the same for a man. Even married men will cum very quickly when jacking it vs. Actual sex because a hand squeezes tighter than any pussy can. The goal with masturbation is to cum, not stroke it for ages.

    And for the guys: Don’t over squeeze your dick or you’ll be unable to cum from actual sex.

  • NTR GOD 17 hours ago

    uhm.. akshually… real ones feels more better, thats because i can actually compare, i dont know how to put it in word but yea different, but then again if you dont feeling onto it, both are just the same EXCEPT when get a head. head is way better than sex, call it fetish idc.