You are watching Isekai Kita node Sukebe Skill De Zenryoku Ouka Shiyou to Omou Episode 1 English, you can watch more episodes of this hentai series here Isekai Kita node Sukebe Skill De Zenryoku Ouka Shiyou to Omou
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Hentai: Isekai Kita node Sukebe Skill De Zenryoku Ouka Shiyou to Omou

Isekai Kita node Sukebe Skill De Zenryoku Ouka Shiyou to Omou tells the story of a virgin boy, Tatsuo, who masturbates all day while dreaming of the perfect cock that could satisfy a woman with just his appearance. After another orgasm, he is suddenly teleported to another world, and he wakes up lying on the lap of a girl who turns out to be a goddess. She informs him that she can grant one of his wishes before sending him to another world and then he asks him to have the perfect cock, with great strength and different abilities, which could satisfy any girl and make them so addicted, so that they can no longer live without him, and thereby, thanks to this, he will build his ideal harem. The goddess fulfills his, albeit ridiculous, desire, after which he suddenly grows another member in addition to the already existing one and she asks him, as the chosen one, to use his new powers to defeat evil in this world. Although after the resulting goddess scoffs at this, considering it some kind of ugliness, the guy is delighted and instead of immediately going on adventures in another world, he first decides to honor the goddess to become the first to taste his members, even against her will.

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  • Anonymous 2 years ago

    What did I just watched🥲

  • Oh look another fucking hentai that just radiates it was created vt a total fucking otaku life long loser and forever virgin,,, hatred toward chicks in unmatched all because they losers and either a disgusting fat fuck, an akward reject, or C all of the above and instead of blaming themselves for being like that they take the typical otaku loser delusional mentality and blame women and us guys who get those women… this one is ever scummier cause fucking goddess grants him his stupid AF ridiculous wish and then he thanks for her it my brutally raping her… wow.

  • Dunno whats worst the scummy way the hentai plays out or the sad AF otaku jap loser who created the video description and how the sack of shit writing always writes it in a way that words it to make it sound like he isnt hardcore raping her but doing her a favor… see thats just another reason why japanese males are seen as the trash people of the world.. molestors, pedos, and rapist all of which fit in the ugly AF loser population and the prime target audience for this.

  • Anonymous 2 years ago

    isekai ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • CH is a retard 2 years ago

    12 year olds shouldnt be watching this stuff anyway, go back to MLP

  • The bombshell 2 years ago

    That was hella funny to watch but damn the goddess is so fucking hot,he should’ve fucked her until her mind breaks and filled her belly with cum till the very end of the episode.8/10

  • The bombshell 2 years ago

    Fuck off kiddos.Hentai always been this way! Did you even read the god damn description? Or you must be dumb and blind?Go watch MLP instead dumbass

  • Hentai review pro 9 months ago

    CH is a stupid bitch that takes everything way too serious. This hentai is clearly a joke and is ment to be funny as you can tell by how the MC acts. Anyways this hentai is a 7.8/10