Shounen ga Otona ni Natta Natsu
“Ryuki Kirishima is a boy who lives with his older sister, Reiko, after the tragic death of their parents in a car accident. One summer day, Ryuki and his friends gather to watch adult videos for fun. Although Ryuki doesn’t usually enjoy this type of content, he feels inexplicably attracted to videos featuring Kiriru, a new and popular porn actress.
As he watches, Ryuki feels a strong attraction to Kiriru, and to his surprise, she appears before him in person for sex
Episode List:
Shounen ga Otona ni Natta Natsu Episode 1 English
362.82K Views10 Comments0 Likes
Shounen ga Otona ni Natta Natsu Episode 2 English
287.80K Views21 Comments0 Likes
Shounen ga Otona ni Natta Natsu Episode 3
173.86K Views14 Comments0 Likes