Tetsuya’s investigation into a luxurious hotel turns over a nest of yakuza and a bizarre orgy cult. On rich silk sheets and velvet chairs, the rich and powerful participate in sex acts so depraved that just witnessing them is likely to turn a man into a monster. But the true purpose of this cult is a pact with evil energies that can literally turn Tetsuya into an inhuman demon.
Title: Dark Love
Alt Title: Kuro Ai: Hitoyozumakan Inkou Rannyuuroku
Producers: [insert_php] include_category_producers(); [/insert_php]
Genres: [insert_php] the_tags( ”, ‘ ,’ );[/insert_php]
Episodes: [insert_php] include_category_episode(); [/insert_php]
Released: [insert_php] include_category_year(); [/insert_php]
Status: [insert_php] include_category_status(); [/insert_php]

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