You are watching Daisuki na Haha Episode 2 English, you can watch more episodes of this hentai series here Daisuki na Haha
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Hentai: Daisuki na Haha

β€œMiyuki tries to be the best mother she can for her son, she tries every day to be the shining example of a good mom for her son Yutaka. Yutaka has a friend named Masato who doesn’t have the same idea of a good mom in his head and one day makes a move on her…

Taking her at home in the kitchen, in the bathroom, and even while her son is sleeping right next to them, he claims her as his own… Until one day, she is bound and blindfolded and once her blindfold is removed she is shocked to see it is her son that is having sex with her! What kind of horrible mother has she become…?”

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  • AnimeExplorer 6 years ago

    Animation is average at best,story is not there whatsoever, but the soundtrack after 03:00 is kinda funky. πŸ˜€

  • HentaiHero 6 years ago

    Story is not there, animiations are average at best, but the music after 03:00 suddenly get really funky. What’s that track? πŸ˜€

  • Brolaf 6 years ago

    6/10, atleast its good.