Looking at him, he ain’t much. But Kenta scores with every girl he meets. Why, Well, he has a love-struck goddess who’s decided to help him out. After the celestial sweetie takes a shine to him, she grants him the ability to seduce seven different women to find out which one is his true love, and in the end, it is a big suprise who his actual true love is.
Title: Can Can Bunny
Alt Title: きゃんきゃんバニーエクストラ
Producers: [insert_php] include_category_producers(); [/insert_php]
Genres: [insert_php] the_tags( ”, ‘ ,’ );[/insert_php]
Episodes: [insert_php] include_category_episode(); [/insert_php]
Released: [insert_php] include_category_year(); [/insert_php]
Status: [insert_php] include_category_status(); [/insert_php]

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